Unable to copy large number of columns (15.1.0)

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51c6c12a68> #<Tag:0x00007f51c6c12810>

I created a similar issue a couple weeks ago about copying large number of rows which was fixed with the upgrade to 15.1.0 from 15.0.1. However, I have discovered that the same issue still exists when trying to copy a large number of columns at once. Essentially, if you select a cell, then shift select a several dozen cells to the right, the copy will simply not work. If you try to paste afterwards you will paste whatever was originally in your clipboard.

Here is a basic jsfiddle that I was able to reproduce the issue in: https://jsfiddle.net/wcuv7d68/2/

simply select a cell, scroll all the way to the right and shift click another cell, then try to paste it and it will not work.

Hi @michael.phelps

Thank you for sharing the demo.

Could you please guide me what exact steps should I take (or a video reproduction)? I tried different combinations and all worked well. Or maybe it relates to a device/browser?

Iā€™m one Chrome 133/macOS Ventura, no zoom and no system scale.

I am on Chrome 134/Windows. Most of our users are on Windows so this may be a Windows specific issue. I made a quick recording showing the issue.

Here are my exact steps:

  1. Copy a single cell so you know what is currently in the clipboard
  2. Select cell A1.
  3. Scroll all the way to the right and select cell CV1.
  4. Ctrl+C
  5. try to paste anywhere

Thank you for sharing the video. I tried to copy the whole row while clicking the row header and then it worked well. But skipping row header and selecting those cells manually for the whole row also does not paste the data for me on macOS.

I will report it internally and update you as soon as we get it fixed.

One more update: it seems that the issue is related to data virtualization. When we enable renderAllColumns the issue is not replicable.

Hi @michael.phelps

Thank you again for sharing the issue report. The issues that we discussed are closed as solved in v15.2.0.

Please go to our Changelog for more details about the changes and additions in this version: https://handsontable.com/docs/javascript-data-grid/changelog/ (edited)

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