[GH #2046] Drag & copy doesn't work properly with Hyperformula + hidden columns

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51c68cfdb0> #<Tag:0x00007f51c68cfbd0>

I’ve encountered an issue with drag & copy functionality when I use Hyperformula and hidden columns. (drag the blue square to the next cell)
The issue:
When I try to drag & copy value from cell A1 to C1 (column B is hidden) the value is copied to C1 but also to D1.
If you’ve got more columns hidden (e.g. B and C) the number of extra cells that get their value changed is equal to the number of hidden columns that you try to copy “over” (A1 -> D1, the value is also copied to E1 and F1). If you try to copy the value to the last column you get a warning Not possible to set cell data at {"row":2,"col":-1,"sheet":2} (the value tries to be pasted to non-existent column)

Here’s the code example with the issue.

Were you aware of this issue? Is there a workaround to solve this?

Hi @alojzy231

Thank you for reporting this. I checked your example and it looks like it’s not caused by the Hyperformula itself, but by this option copyPasteEnabled: false. It affects the autofill functionality, which is based basically on copy/paste operation.

I will look more into this problem and get back to you after the weekend with the update.

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Thanks for the quick reply! I need to have copyPasteEnabled: false property set so I’d really appreciate you looking into the issue!

Hi @alojzy231

I did more in-depth check for this issue and it looks that even though the copyPasteEnabled is responsible for it, but only in a connection with the HyperFormula enabled as well.

I reported it with details internally for further investigation and will update you once we have more information or fix ready.


Hi is there any update on this?
I have the exact same issue with my grid it’s quite annoying

Hi @Sourtoast

Not yet. I will update this topic as soon as this issue is fixed.