Text wrapping for Merged Cells

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b88cf850> #<Tag:0x00007f51b88cf710>

Hi, I have been having some issues regarding the rendering of handsontable controls with text wrapping. When scrolling to the right, the row heights are recalculated. I have experimented with overriding the text overflow of the cells to fix this issue. This does fix the issue, however I am using Merged cells, and the text in these merged cells is being cut off at the first row, I want to know if there is some way for the merged cells to consider the rowspan of the cell to determine where this overflow is calculated?

Below are two jsfiddle links, one shows the issue, and the other has a partial solution.
Text Wrap
No Wrap

What I want is something akin to the second link, but where the merged cell (which has a rowspan of 2) can wrap to the 2nd line but cannot wrap to a 3rd.

Hi @jack.martin

Thank you for contacting us. This issue related to this one, reported on our GitHub: https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/4907

Enabling mergeCells options is also interfering with setting the columns width. This is a known problem for us, and we will work on in the future.

The workaround for it, would be to set the desired columns width only for the columns that you know will contain a longer values, like here: https://jsfiddle.net/handsoncode/xye6tqzd/

Hi @jack.martin

I have great news. We just solved the issue that you requested. It is available in Handsontable v15.2.0.

Please go to our Changelog for more details about the changes and additions in this version: https://handsontable.com/docs/javascript-data-grid/changelog/

If you’d have any questions or have difficulties to update please let me or @adrian.szymanski know.