Getting help

Topic Replies Activity
[GH #1985] Redo error with HyperFormula when Adding new row 5 9 July 2024
All rows to be shrinked 6 9 July 2024
Sort by multiple columns Without hold down Ctrl command 4 23 July 2024
Filter by value not working properly 5 8 July 2024
[wtHolder] and [ht_clone_top] width keeps increasing 5 8 July 2024
Want to Create a custom renderer to display and edit a particular key from an object 3 4 July 2024
Click on cell that is partially out of view doesn't make it scroll into view automatically 3 3 July 2024
setCellMeta not applying className on render() 7 2 July 2024
Handsontable v6.2.2 doc is removed 8 23 July 2024
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'highlight') 4 1 July 2024
Table Fully Re-renders When Out of Tab 9 23 July 2024
Angular 17 support 10 23 July 2024
Autocomplete" (dropdown) options list behaves unexpectedly under certain conditions (v14.x issue) 10 1 July 2024
[GH-DEV #1888] Autofill/copy and paste operations causing table layout disruption 14 1 July 2024
Extending Handsontable with custom logic 7 23 July 2024
Dropdown Flitter 4 26 June 2024
[GH #1950, #7742] Property 'collapsingUI' does not exist on type 'NestedRows' 6 26 June 2024
[GH-DEV1943] Issue with columnSummary and validator Interfering with Undo Functionality in Handsontable 5 26 June 2024
Empty cells validator when adding a new row 5 25 June 2024
Disabling Arrow Down/Up keys - not working with event.stopImmediatePropagation() 8 25 June 2024
[GH10773] Regarding the issue with the Chinese input method 7 25 June 2024
manualColumnMove and manualRowMove - not updating sourceData? 5 23 July 2024
How to make the mergecell option from contextmenu disable 3 23 July 2024
The initialization formula does not trigger a detailed description 24 23 July 2024
Does hyperformulaInstance.rebuildAndRecalculate() fire any hook in Handsontable? 5 24 June 2024
Error while importing HyperFormula 3 23 July 2024
Sort values on filter 3 1 July 2024
[GH #1863] How can we enable horizontal scrollbar in the filter when the content is too long 5 19 June 2024
[GH-DEV1934] When inserting rows or columns with borders set 4 19 June 2024
Dropdown filter problem 5 1 July 2024