[GH-DEV #927] Merged cells height issue

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51c5d8c228> #<Tag:0x00007f51c5d8c0c0> #<Tag:0x00007f51c5d9feb8>

When colheaders and rowheaders are false and i tried to merged all the cells from table, table height gets reduced as single row height, i.e., confusing from user perspective, how can i retain the size of table as it is when all cells are merged keeping row and col headers false.
1.Before merge :

2. after Merge:


Thank you for sharing the demo, @rupeshfend

I will review it and get back to you first thing on Monday.

Thank you for sharing the demo, @rupeshfend

I was able to replicate this issue. And I found a workaround. It is not perfect as you can see a thicker border on the left side of the table, but merging works fine.

https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-6he87b?file=main.js,index.html&terminal=dev < you just need to enable rowHeaders and set the width of those headers to 1.

I will report the following issue. But do you think that this workaround would be suitable in your case?

Thank you for replying, @aleksandra_budnik
I think it will work for now, still let me know once this issue resolved.

I reported this issue internally and will update you as soon as the status changes.

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Is there any Update regarding the issue

Hi @rupeshfend

No updates at the moment. Till the issue is fixed I recommend using the workaround:

that is

rowHeaders: true,
rowHeaderWidth: 1,

Here’s an updated demo https://jsfiddle.net/Ltwse273/