Error rendering table

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc6a52ced0> #<Tag:0x00007efc6a52cd90>

I am encountering the following error when trying to render the table with a data load.
The table is empty and the following error appears in the browser console.

What could be the cause of this error?

Hi @jonatas.locateli

I do not see any similar report on GitHub.

Please create a demo where the issue is replicable and specify which version of Handsontable you use.

Hi, @aleksandra_budnik. The version I’m using is 14.6.1.
I won’t be able to simulate it in a demo because my project is very large, with several functions. But I decided to do some tests by going back to previous versions, because we started to notice this error recently. I concluded that the error does not occur in version 14.4, apparently it started to occur from version 14.5 onwards.

Hmm… between minor versions, there should be no breaking changes.

Based on the changelog maybe you could only create a sample demo that uses those altered plugins? Please skip the data (we can create a mockup). You can also skip everything that is called via updateSettings() as if the table does not load on the initialization t is surely not their fault.