During the initial render phase, we encountered a significant performance issue with Handsontable v14.4.0. When our table, containing 446 rows and 134 columns, is loaded, the application freezes for a few seconds. This issue prevents any user interaction with the table immediately after it is rendered (such as horizontal scrolling, focusing/editing a cell, etc.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Open the application URL.
- Observe the table loading process.
- Note that the table becomes frozen for a few seconds immediately after it is rendered
Editor Link: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-ksshhr-r23q92?file=src%2FExampleComponent.jsx
Application Link: https://react-ksshhr-r23q92.stackblitz.io
In addition, we have tested with the same configuration on handsontable v14.1.0(which we have just upgraded from) and the issue does not appear to manifest.
Editor Link: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-ksshhr-e37sad?file=src%2FExampleComponent.jsx
Application Link: https://react-ksshhr-e37sad.stackblitz.io
As an existing customer, this issue impacts our live product environment and user experience. We would greatly appreciate your help in resolving this matter.
Thank you