How to remove the cell selection after select multiple row(ctrl + click)

How to remove the cell selection after select multiple row by using (ctrl + click) click in handsontable?

Reproduce steps:

  1. select any cell in the handsontable
  2. now select any row by click ctrl + click row header

Hi @saran123

Based on your request I assume that you would like to be able to deselect (for example) a row by clicking it while it has been already selected. This functionality is not available yet. We have this idea reported on the Github board at so I recommend subscribing to changes upon that thread.

ps. it seems that you are using an older version of Handsontable. For a couple of years, we no longer have Handsontable PRO. If you are doing the evaluation please use the latest version.

Here, you can read about our methods to download it.