Hi, I was testing handontable in my android device. keyboard is closing automatically while trying to search input box.
[GH #2166] Auto closing keyboard while clicking on input in filter menu
Hi @inder.singh
Thank you for sharing the issue report. We are aware of this issue and already fixed it.
The pull request that solves the issue https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/pull/11205 has already been merged with the main branch. This issue will be fixed in the upcoming release. At the moment, we do not know if we’re aiming at a minor or major release so that changes the release date from 2 weeks to a month or more. But I will make sure to notify you when it’s ready.
Thank you so much for reply, It would be great if you release minor.
It has been 3 weeks now for PR, could you please release minor.
Hi @inder.singh
we will be fixing a few more bugs and plan to do the code freeze soon.
We will surely keep you updated.
Sorry for keeping you waiting @henlyforbesly01
after performing some tests it seems that the issue should be solved in v15.0.0. Could you please try if it works for you when you update?
not resolved, I tried this https://handsontable.com/docs/javascript-data-grid/column-filter/#filtering-demo in my android chrome application. still same issue
Could you please tell me whar device and Android system version do you use? We tested only desktop so you may be right that there’s something missing for mobile devices.
Thank you for sharing. I do not own any Android devices to test it out. But I will update my colleague to check that out as soon as they’re back from the Christmas break.
Hi @inder.singh @henlyforbesly01
I did some tests on the BrowserStack and I was able to replicate the issue on the documentation but not in the JSFiddle (for the same demo).
Used demo https://handsontable.com/docs/javascript-data-grid/column-filter/#filtering-demo
Here is the video reproduction for the documentation demo
and here is the same demo but open n the JSFiddle
Could you please tell me does it work the same as on your device?
Hi @aleksandra_budnik, thank you for the reply!
I have tried. It is not working on Handsontable official documentation demo. While on JSFiddle, I tried with two devices: my Android phone & Android tab.
On Android phone, it glitched (the keyboard closed automatically) at the first time I open it. However, it works from second try onwards.
While on the Android tab, it is not working at all, it glitches every time.
Looking forward to the fixes for the problem.
Thank you, Aleksandra!
Thank you for feedback. So I may assume that the issue is not replicable in your own application? I’m asking to determine if it is a page-specific focus settings.
The issue for sure is replicable in my application. It’s not so convenient. Because of this, our users cannot filter their table. Anyway, most of our users are mobile users. I don’t know what is wrong. I assume there may be something wrong within Handsontable because it doesn’t work in Handsontable documentation demo web itself.
Any help would be very much appreciated!
Thank you so much @aleksandra_budnik!
I will make sure to ask developers to check this out. Once that happens I will surely update this thread.
Hello @aleksandra_budnik! Just wondering if there is any update regarding the mobile problem.
Thank you!
I would love to have an update for this issue, however it is still in the backlog. I will do my best to speed it up. I will keep you updated, @henlyforbesly01