Nested Rows, Collapsed All by default ( all nodes/children )

Hello, we are trying to integrate Handsontable, and we want to use nested rows.
But the initial state of the table should be collapsed by default -> that can be achieved by calling collapseAll from nestedRows.

But this does not recursively collapse all nodes below the first level.

It is possible to achieve? Also is there a way to initialize already a collapsed table without a rerender?

Thank you.

Hi @dragos

Welcome of forum!

The nestedRows plugin has a pretty limited API. The collapseAll() that you use is also rather a private API than public. At the moment, there are no additional methods to collapse children rows.

Hello @aleksandra_budnik, thank you for the reply.

Is there an alternative, to call and set all nodes/children on before init maybe?

I found that calling collapseChildren beforeInit, on all nodes could be an alternative, but that is an expensive/slow method if the tables has big data.

Any suggestion would be great, thanks.