Nested rows : have parents below children

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b9a791f0> #<Tag:0x00007f51b9a79088>

Hi !
I’m using the nested rows plugin and I would like to display the parent rows below the children rows.
Is it something possible ?

Thanks !

I already asked back in 2023. At that time, it was impossible. But hopefully, now it’s ok :slight_smile:

In any case, that feature would be really valuable for accounting purposes : You often want to display the total of a category of expenses to be below the detail and to be collapsible.

Hi @gregoire.spiers

The plugin itself does not provide a functionality like that. It might be better to construct your own plugin based on nestedRows or (if the data structure does not matter) use CSS to alter UI for users and use afterGetRowHeader to attach collapsible icons to parent rows.

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