Css property of date picker

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can we import other datetime picker to handson table??? can we replace other picker instead of pickaday??

Hi @guruprashanth.s

as previously said you need to create your own cell type. You may start from the editor. Here https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/blob/master/src/editors/dateEditor.js you can find a code trat uses Pikaday to create the little month/year calendar. You can copy/paste the code and replace it with the desired datapicker. However please notice that this is a custom solution and it won’t b supported by Handsobtable (fix bug, provide support)

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ok thanks

I’m creating 1 new my own cell type, please share me one example of created custom cell type example so that it can help me to easily create cell type.

I am sorry but there is no demo for that. However if you read the articles I 've send you before you should be able to create one.

You can also part the cell into: renderer, validator and editor and add them separately in the cell’s settings, then it looks like this

function myRenderer(){ ... }
function myValidator(){ ... }
function myEditor(){ ... }

columns: [
  renderer: myRenderer,
  validator: myValidator,
  editor: myEditor

Examples of validator, editors and renderers are in the documentation that I have send you.

Thanks, I added time picker to pikaday.

Great to hear that. Thank you for an update.

can we write 2 validator function to a single cell , for example date and time validations.

Sorry, there is no way to use two predefined validator for a single cell, however,m you can create a custom validator to handle this operation.

Hiii can we use 2 renderer to a single column???

Hi @guruprashanth.s

you’d need to create a custom renderer which combines two two renderers. What exactly you’d like to achieve?

right now I wrote in single renderer only, I need to call 2 separate renderer for a single column. is this possible??

What should they do? Can you give an example?

Hi… In pikaday datepicker , once we select day from calendar then the calendar is automatically closing!!! I don’t want to close it automatically

Unfortunately, you would need to overwrite the editor or create a new one that does not close it. There is no API to control the default datapicker this way.