Css property of date picker

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Hi, I’m trying to override the css property of default date picker of handson table, but I’m not able to get it Plzz help me.

Hi @guruprashanth.s

what exactly you would like to achieve?

I want over write the css styles of default date picker like month name should appear in different colors, size of the calendar .
here my code

.handsontable .htDatepickerHolder .pika-single .pika-lender .pika-title .pika-label{
background-color: red !important

Here month name august is black by default . I need to change that color.

Instead of arrow icon in date I need to change calendar icon.
plz help

The calendar is a Pikaday app (src: https://github.com/dbushell/Pikaday). You may want to check their docs for tips and load the new styles after handsontable.min.css in your app.

ok thanks… I’ll check

Instead of default pikaday date picker, I want to use other date picker from bootstrap or my own date picker???
how can I achieve this??

You’ll need to create a new cell type. Here a tutorial https://docs.handsontable.com/pro/5.0.1/tutorial-cell-types.html and it’s also good to read https://docs.handsontable.com/pro/5.0.1/tutorial-cell-function.html

Hi @aleksandra_budnik My requirement is to change the pikaday date picker in to my own custom date function. or I want to modify the pikaday datepicker in to my format.

If you only want to change styling you can try to use important! but for more complicated operations you need to create a cell type.

important! is not working

Don’t mind plz, if I want to change month color to red color or different color what can I do… send me proper code to change clr plzzz help me

Do you mean this (red title + blue list)

If so here is a demo http://jsfiddle.net/a26k1r34/

I changed css property successfully. but I need to insert new date picker instead of pika day, how can I???
date pickers available in bootstrap I want to insert in handson table.

so like i have told you you need to create a new cell type that will correspond to a new library of your choice. Our date cell type doesn’t allow you to choose from several datapickers.

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ok yar thanks for ur information.:grinning:

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Hii is there any in-built datetime picker is there for handson table other than pikaday.

No, sorry we only use Pikaday solution.