Ctrl +D

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51c221dfc0>

In Microsoft Excel pressing Ctrl+D fills and overwrites a cell(s) with the contents of the cell above it in a column. To fill the entire column with the contents of the upper cell, press Ctrl+Shift+Down to select all cells below, and then press Ctrl+D.

Hi @kunal

Handsontable works in the browser and for example, the CTRL + D shortcut for Chrome triggers the action of saving your current webpage as a bookmark. You can, however, use Handsontable API to overwrite those shortcuts.

Here is an example with the use if CTRL + D for the action of downloading a file http://jsfiddle.net/x7dtjype/1/
Firstly you need to use the preventDefault() method and then you can attach a new logic for the shortcut.

In Microsoft Excel pressing Ctrl+D fills and overwrites a cell(s) with the contents of the cell above it in a column. To fill the entire column with the contents of the upper cell, press Ctrl+Shift+Down to select all cells below.

I wants to same thing in handson table its possible to do

Yes, but Excel is a desktop application and Handsontable. As a browser application, we do not want to overwrite too many default shortcuts. However, as mentioned above, you can still use the Handsontable API to create such a shortcut, and it will work for all of the users who use your implementation.

If you need any particular code examples, please provide your License ID at support@handsontable.com, and we will create a custom code sample for you with that implementation.