Custom Editor for TextArea

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Hello, I use a custom editor that extends TextEditor. I need it to be resizable. I’ve added a class to the custom editor and made it resizable, but when I resize it and then start typing, the textarea size resets. How can I fix it?

Hi @zsatui9

Could you share your current implementation of the editor in the demo? That way it would be easier to debug and share code samples.

For instance here, when I edit textarea after it’s resized, it resets. I tried to use stopImmediatePropagation afterbeginediting for the ENTER key, but I also need to be able to use cmd + Enter to go to the next line, in that case the same behavior happens. Here is the demo

Hi @zsatui9

That won’t be enough. You need to specify that within the custom cell editor. It is not mentioned in the documentation so I am happy that you wrote to us.

Here’s the updated demo

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