Is there a way to make the horizontal and vertical scrolling appear more modern?
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Is there a way to make the horizontal and vertical scrolling appear more modern?
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Hi @ykifahh
Did you see our new features - themes? We’ve introduced them in the latest version.
Here https://jsfiddle.net/wyupszae/ you can find Handsontable table with the new theme - Main
In general table looks modern, but if you’d only want to alter scrollbars you can go here https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/handsontable@15.0/styles/ht-theme-main.css to see CSS settings for main and look for the scrollbar
--ht-scrollbar-border-radius: 8px;
--ht-scrollbar-track-color: #f7f7f9;
--ht-scrollbar-thumb-color: #999999;
Here https://handsontable.com/docs/javascript-data-grid/themes/ you can read more about themes and how to create your own theme based on our predefined settings/or already defined themes.
Thanks for your reply. However, it still shows the old scrollbar after clicking the link. Please see the attached image.
My bad. I see that you are using Windows. With themes that you allow you only to alter the colors of scrollbar as in this demo https://stackblitz.com/edit/pgrkmldm-pn7p4mdl?file=some-custom-style.css%2Cindex.js%2Cindex.html
Output (Windows 11/Chrome 132)
There is no predefined themes variable to alter thickness of the scrollbar.
Alternatively you can create your own theme starting with no-theme
like here https://stackblitz.com/edit/pgrkmldm-wcqynmry?file=some-custom-style.css%2Cindex.js%2Cstyles.css
then I see that additional CSS scrollbar styles are working. Here’s the output.
But then you’d need to all other needed styles including buttons, colors, and so on.
Thank you! I’ll just stick with the standard scrollbar.
Is there any update on the matching row issue? It’s quite critical, and I hope it can be resolved soon.
Not yet, we will update you in this topic when it’s fixed: [GH #858] How to Perfectly Align Row Lines?