Customize Dropdown Renderer

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc60b9c8d8> #<Tag:0x00007efc60b9c680>

Is there a way to customize the dropdown renderer? I want to make dropdown cell’s bold, and left-aligned.


Hi @mariothomas

You can pick one of the 3 options

Thanks! Have been experimenting with this, and think the custom cell editor extending the autocompleteEditor would be the best option. Could you show an example of this?

To clarify - I have an existing custom cell renderer function for Text, how can I also implement a custom renderer for autocomplete?

  function factRenderer(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments);
if (cellProperties.isFact) {
    console.log("Fact", cellProperties) = "#f0f4fa"; 
    if (monetaryUnits == 'm'){
        td.innerHTML = '$ ' + (Math.round(value / 1000000)).toLocaleString() + " "+ monetaryUnits +''
        td.innerHTML = '$ ' + (Math.round(value / 100000000)/10).toLocaleString() + " "+ monetaryUnits +''
    // if (value == "Not Found"){
    // = 'red';
    // }
    // else {
    // = 'green';
    // }
   cellProperties.readOnly = true;
else {
    if (value){
        if((String(instance.getSourceDataAtCell(row, col)).substring(0, 1)) == '='){
   = 'green';
        console.log("String ", value, cellProperties)
} Handsontable.renderers.registerRenderer('factRenderer', factRenderer);

Hi @mariothomas ,

In your second line of code you have

Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments);

so you should replace it with

Handsontable.renderers.AutocompleteRenderer.apply(this, arguments);

to use the autocomplete/dropdown cell renderer. I also recommend skipping the logs, that makes the renderer really heavy. If you’d like to have some data logged after rendering ends I recommend using the afterRender hook.

ps. here’s how the general renderer is composed

Thanks! I was able to fix it.

I’m happy to hear that. Thank you for the update.