Customvalidator Angular

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1dfa5500>

Hi, I’m working with customvalidators for each column, this validations are if is empty numeric, size etc… of a field (this is a little dynamic), but I do not found how to send params on customValidator function. I want to use the same function but an array of validations object values like
{ notnull: true, lenght: 8, numeric: true}…
and the function will work only in that validation types.

Are you have an idea?

I tried for each column set on validator propierty :‘cutomNameCol’ but an error on Angular says I need to register the function, but I do not how to register it on Angular 11, I found only javascript examples and did not work for me.

Hi @pochacamx

here is a tutorial on how to work on custom validators

If that won’t help you solve the case please send me a message to along with your licenseID for verification.