Data binding to Angular grid

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1ce8ba58>

I am evaulating the Handsontable grid with the Angular wrapper. I am having trouble finding documentation on how to consume a web service and bind my data to the grid.

I have found this post from a few years ago (Loading data from multiple services, please advise) that suggests I have to loop through all columns and rows and set the data manually. Is this still the case and if so, please could you provide a link to an example?

I have created a StackBlitz to simulate the retrieval of data from a web service ( if it helps



to bind the data from server you have two options

  1. The one for a cell, mentioned in that topic

In order to detect the edits, i hooked the afterchange() event, but it is triggered even when i insert the data initially from the server with setDataAtCell().

Mentioned in the following tutorial

  1. Use the loadData() that changes all the data at once.