Date-format not working in hot-column directive

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f13605e7688>

I try to format a date column as follows, both with the settings as well as the direct date-format attribute. Neither works. The column type is set to date and the provided data is of type date.

<hot-column data="createdAt" title="'Date'" type="'date'"
      settings="{dateFormat:'DD/MM/YYYY', type: 'date'}"
      allow-empty="true" read-only></hot-column>

The date column would just not format. Other kinds of formatting, such as numeric types in the Severity column using format-attribute are working.

Complete table code:

<hot-column data="createdAt" title="'Date'" type="'date'"
  settings="{dateFormat:'DD/MM/YYYY', type: 'date'}"
  allow-empty="true" read-only></hot-column>

<hot-column data="eventType" title="'Event Type'"></hot-column>
<hot-column data="user.displayName" title="'User'"></hot-column>
<hot-column data="ipAddress" title="'IP Address'"></hot-column>
<hot-column data="severity" title="'Severity'" type="'numeric'" format="'$ 0,0.00'"></hot-column>
<hot-column data="eventMessage" title="'Message'"></hot-column>
<hot-column data="" title="'Old data'"></hot-column>
<hot-column data="" title="'New data'"></hot-column>

Using ngHandsontable 0.12.0, Handsontable 0.26.1.

Unfortunately there is not a single demo available at using the date-format attribute.

Hi @mathias.conradt
thank you very much for sharing this example. I think that we should follow with the future conversation at as it’s an Angular repository and there’s already a workaround there.
At this forum we’re trying to gather only the vanilla pro version tickets.