Delimiter in function syntax

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The documentation provides an example of the syntax SUM (Number1; Number2; …; Number30), but in fact, it does not work with this delimiter. Perhaps I didn’t get it.
For example, I want to calculate the sum of two numbers from two cells.
It works if you specify for example =SUM(B1,C1).
Also, in this article I see NETWORKDAYS(start_date;end_date;holiday_dates), but in the example itself, the comma is the delimiter: NETWORKDAYS(12/30/2020,06/28/2021;05/05/2021,04/06/2021).
It confuses me a little. Please help me figure it out.

Hi @iryna.biletchenko

Thank you for pointing out that discrepency. We will unify the documentation.

However, the delimiter is configurable in HyperFormula: