Different dropdown values for different rows

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b290d25f8>

I am not able to achieve that target with the help provided in previous topic.

I need to display different dropdown values for different rows.
For example, I have four rows A,B,C and D. I need to display dropdown in another column.
For row A, The dropdown values should be 1,2,3,4
For row B, The dropdown values should be 10,20,30,40
For row C, The dropdown values should be 11,21,31,41
For row D, The dropdown values should be 100,200,300,400 like this.

I mean, the source should get changed for different rows.
{ data: ‘Dropdown1’, width: ‘75px’, source: this.drpdwnData.filter(x => x[‘dropdown’] == ‘FirstDropdownValues’)[0][‘val’].split(’,’), renderer: this.selectBoxRenderer, editor: false, type: ‘dropdown’ },

With the code above, I can achieve for one row, but how can I achieve for other rows.

Please help

Hi @madanmame

Here is an example for row-oriented different dropdown sources https://jsfiddle.net/handsoncode/L0rz79ut/

Let me know if you need anything more than that.