Does hyperformulaInstance.rebuildAndRecalculate() fire any hook in Handsontable?

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc644bcd98> #<Tag:0x00007efc644bcb40>

I am trying to implement async server fetch with HOT+HF.

I have gone through the issues listed here and also added a comment regarding the same.

Is there any hook in HOT that fire after rebuildAndRecalculate? I have tried HOT’s afterFormulasValuesUpdate and HF’s “valuesUpdated”. Both of them do not fire after rebuildAndRecalculate?

Hi @sandeep.muthangi

No hooks within Handsontable tracks this method of HyperFormula. I think our HyperFormula developer will give you more details on this in said GitHub issue when he’s back next week.

Thanks. afterRender hooks seems to do the job. Surprisingly performant too.


Thank you for the update. I’m glad that you’ve found the solution. I will close this topic in this case.