Dropdown cell dose not work on safari 14

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f13668ee678>

Our current handsontable version is 7.2.2 and the dropdown cell does not work on safari 14. I have test another version on safari 14 that it works earlier than version 7 but not work later than version 7.2.2 even if the latest version.

Of course, you can test it directly here: https://handsontable.com/docs/7.2.0/demo-dropdown.html please try it on safari 14.

Hi @yongsuo

I have good news. This issue already reported on our Github board https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/7413 and it will be fixed in the next version of Handsontable.

I will notify you once we release the new version.

This issue was solved in v.8.3.2.