[EcoRenderers] Conditional Formatting incredibly show

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc647457b8> #<Tag:0x00007efc64745678>


Referencing a previously asked question here - Conditional formatting using the Hot-Table component in Vue 3

I’ve noticed when I set conditional rendering on a cell as per the Fiddle above (I have about 600 rows and around 20 columns) it runs the Cells function every single time I even click once into a cell on the page i.e. traversing the entire dataset. Which is causing obvious performance issues and the whole thing just feels sluggish. I really don’t know why the Cells function would fire just by single-clicking into a cell.

Essentially using conditional formatting in any capacity makes the whole thing slow, am I missing something?

I’m personally just wanting to set a cell background colour in column A depending on it’s value. Is there a quicker way I’m missing?



As far as I can tell there is still not, I ended up moving away from Handsontable and using Element-Plus Here
Very simple to specify a function that runs once on table generation to format cells based on their value using the :cell-class-name attribute and writing a function to check the value int he cell and return a desired css value.

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Hi @stephenmccarten

Thank you for contacting us. That’s true that the whole table is re-rendered each time with each change within the cells. We are aware that this is an issue, and we are planning to work on it, but we don’t have the project scheduled yet. There is a general issue reported for this particular feature, and when we start working on it it will be re-opened: https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/5769

As soon as the feature will be ready we will inform everyone interested.

Ok, thanks. I’ve subscribed to the issue.