I’m working with RHandsonTable and I want to add passive comments to several cells but I don’t want to have the context menu enabled (that allows user to add and remove rows, etc.). Is it possible to do this? Adding comments seems to automatically activate the contextMenu, and some of the context menu items can’t be disabled (in R at least).
vt <- mtcars
modrows <- c(3,6,9)
modtext <- LETTERS[1:3]
vttooltips <- matrix(ncol = ncol(vt), nrow = nrow(vt))
vttooltips[modrows, 2] <- modtext
comments = vttooltips) %>%
hot_context_menu(allowRowEdit = FALSE, allowColEdit = FALSE,
allowReadOnly = FALSE, allowComments = TRUE,
allowCustomBorders = FALSE, customOpts = list())