Entering edit mode on a cell causes editable cell area to expand to right-most edge of table

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc64b2bf08>

Can someone help me overcome with this behavior?

The cell expands as shown in this snapshot. The original cell width when not editing was less than a tenth of this width.

Hi @dave.largent

Can you share a demo where this issue can be replicable?


I have found that this happens whenever you define a custom cell renderer. It is reproducible on the demo for docs page here. Try editting the Description column.

OK, I can see what you mean. If we edit a Description cell the editor is as wide and the table - cells on the left if the value of the cell is longer. However, I do not know why in your example the editor is wide even if the value is empty.

I am closing this issue as there is no reply from the author for more than a week.