Error on rerendering on table

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b2b1e0178>


I am getting this error, when table is gettinng rerendered -

handsontable.full.js:67526 Uncaught Error: Incorrect value of the columnsRenderCalculator
    at LeftOverlay.applyToDOM (handsontable.full.js:67526)
    at Overlays.applyToDOM (handsontable.full.js:49160)
    at MasterTable.draw (handsontable.full.js:16692)
    at Walkontable.draw (handsontable.full.js:47952)
    at TableView.render (handsontable.full.js:74485)
    at Core._refreshBorders (handsontable.full.js:56679)
    at Core.render (handsontable.full.js:54249)
    at Core.refreshDimensions (handsontable.full.js:54292)
    at Object.onWindowResize (handsontable.full.js:75005)

This error looks like this one [GH #7160] [8.1.0] Uncaught Error: Incorrect value of the columnsRenderCalculator reported on our official Github board at

Is the steps for reproduction the steps you take to replicate the issue, @dev2?

I’m closing this issue as there is no feedback for more than a month.
If you still need any guidance, please create a new ticket or message me at