Export to csv with nested columns

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f13602dad28>

I am using the export to csv export plugin on a table with nested headers.
I don’t get the header names, only a-z.
How can I get the column names?
Thank you!

Unfortunately it wasn’t planned to work with nestedHeaders. I think that we should add this feature one day.

ok, I have another question regarding the styling of nested headers.
I am trying to use the function

 colHeaders: function(index) {
            return '<div style="background-color: red; color: white;">'+index+'</div>'

I’ve seen on this jsfiddle:

And it’s not working. Is there a way to style nested headers?

here’s a really cool example which our developer Jan made some time ago http://codepen.io/js-ziggle/pen/pjpNWZ I think it might come in handy :slight_smile:

thank you!

You’re welcome @nogah
Have a nice day!

Hello, any news on fixing the export to CSV when nested columns are used? We are experiencing the same problem…

Thanks and regards,
Eric Gaspard.

Hi Eric,

this is more a known limitation than a bug. Currently this task do not have a dead-line.

Hi Aleksandra,

Is there any workaround to get the column header for nested columns when exported to excel?


Unfortunately I do not have any workaround. However if I would find one I’ll be back with any news.

Hello - just checking in - Are there updates on being able to export nestedheaders to csv? Thank you.

Sorry @haydenhhudson no updates yet

Hi Aleksandra,

May I ask if this export nestedHeaders feature is being supported in export Plugin now?

Currently nestedHeaders are skipped in the export. The plugin uses only colHeaders as the pattern.