Feature of Find and Replace

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Hello community,
I am trying to find a way to implement find and replace functionality in the handsontable grid. Is there a way I can implement it?

Thanks in advance!

Hi @yash.patel

We have a tutorial on how to adapt searching functionality https://handsontable.com/docs/8.4.0/demo-searching.html so once you find a value you can use the setDataAtCell method to replace it with something else.

Hi @aleksandra_budnik

Thank you for the response. qq- we are using Vue3 and want to implement Handsontable. But I see an issue already open on git for an error which I am also seeing locally. Do we have an ETA on remediation of this issue?


We had a tight schedule this year and a fix for Vue3 was scheduled for Q1. We needed to postpone the fix as it requires more work (maybe even a whole new wrapper) and time that we couldn’t spend at that moment. Vue3 is still on our Roadmap for this year but it’s pushed to the bottom of the priority list.
Once the https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/7545 get an attached project to it we will try to get back to that subject.

Thank you @aleksandra_budnik!

Hi @yash.patel I’m more than happy to announce that the new wrapper for Vue 3 is ready to try out.
Here https://handsontable.com/docs/vue3-installation/#overview you can find the tutorial on how to set it up and here https://handsontable.com/docs/release-notes/ is a full list of changes within the new version of Handsontable - 11.1.0.