Fields in column are passed in but do not display

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc6573a538>

I have a handsontable where I have verified that the data to populate the table is being correctly passed in. All the other fields in each row are populating. The data type that is being passed in is of type “string” but it is a string representing an number (such as 035). I have tried setting up the type of that column as both “string” and “number”, but neither method works. When I debug into the code, I see the correct value being retrieved in the data being passed in - it just doesn’t display in the table. When I inspect the table in the debugger I see the values in the element.

I have searched high and low online for similar situations but all the examples I can find are trying to detect a blank field, or similar questions. Please help!

Hi @jaime.cabrera

Can you show us a code demo (preferably in jsfiddle)? That would help us to investigate your issue.

By way of clarifiction, I am using a custom implementation of handsontable where we overlay some customization over it, but the guts of it work the same. I’ve included the html for the “grid” and also the typescript code that populates the fields.


gridColumns = [
new KeyColumn(‘valueCode’),
new CheckboxColumn(‘IsCheckboxMode’, ‘isCheckBoxMode’, 50, true),
new NumericColumn(‘ItemNumber’, ‘itemNumber’, 45, true, ‘00000’),
new DateColumn(‘TransDate’, ‘transDate’, 60, true),
new TextColumn(‘UserName’, ‘userName’, 60, true),
new TextColumn(‘Text’, ‘text’, 40, true),
new TextColumn(‘Comment’, ‘comment’, 70, true)

get theGridRows(): ITransactionsFlatView[] {

let gridData = [];

this.valueSources.forEach(valueSource =>
    let oneRow=
      valueCode: valueSource.valueCode,
      isCheckBoxMode: valueSource.checkBoolean,
      itemNumber: valueSource.itemNumber, 
      transDate: valueSource.transDate,
      userName: valueSource.userName,          
      text: valueSource.text,
      comment: valueSource.comment
return gridData;


When I put a break point on the “gridData.push(oneRow);” line and check the payload, the valueSource.itemNumber is coming in as type “string” even thought it’s a number. I tried setting it up as both a number and a string, but it’s not showing up either way.

One additional detail - I tried hard coding the field to a dummy string and it still does not display, but in other text fields I’m able to do that successfully (in the for each section).

Hi @jaime.cabrera

It looks like this case would need a code review. In order to get code review I need to have information about your current support plan. You can contact as at and send us your licenseID there.