When I click a cell, I want to create a function where the file find opens and the selected file is saved in the handsontable cell.
Ask if there is a built-in function in the handson table or if there is a related function.
When I click a cell, I want to create a function where the file find opens and the selected file is saved in the handsontable cell.
Ask if there is a built-in function in the handson table or if there is a related function.
Hi @curlydoggi
File uploading isn’t currently possible in Handsontable. However, one of our users came up with a custom implementation so you can use it as a guide: https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/1380
When I go into the link you told me, it looks like I am modifying the js file. Then can you tell me exactly where and how to modify it?
Hi @curlydoggi
This is a solution proposed by one of our users and it wasn’t merged or tested by us. If you have questions regarding this solution I suggest to ask the author of the topic I sent you. As this functionality isn’t supported by Handsontable yet I thought that this might be used as an inspiration.