Filter throws warning when applying dynamically

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1db48b38>


I apply custom addCondition method whenever an input value gets changed, It works well when I type something on the input field, but when I am trying to clear the value one by one from the input field, I get warning on the console like this,

The filter conditions have been applied properly, but couldn’t be displayed visually. The overall amount of conditions exceed the capability of the dropdown menu. For more details see the documentation.

This is the code to apply the filter,

const filtersPlugin = this.tableInstance.getPlugin('Filters')
filtersPlugin.addCondition(0, 'contains', ['value from input field'])

Is it showing because I apply filter continuously? Does it have any fix?

It works well If I apply clearConditions before addCondition

const filtersPlugin = this.tableInstance.getPlugin('Filters')
filtersPlugin.addCondition(0, 'contains', ['value from input field'])
