Filtering key value drop down menu

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51c72ec118>

I had a key value dropdown menu in my handson table. while filtering , filter by value shows keys instead of value. is it possible to change shows instead of value by key.

Hi @kranthikumar.reddy32

Key value dropdown type cell isn’t officially supported yet, so some plugins might not work correctly with the implementation. Here’s a topic in which you can find a discussion about this issue, along with some examples of custom implementation:

In my case key value drop down is working perfectly but while fitering the column filter values are shown keys instead of values.


select options from dropdown menu and filter the values. filter results shows keys instead of values.

Hi @kranthikumar.reddy32

As I mentioned, this solution isn’t officially supported by us, and might cause issues in conjunction with our plugins - such as filtering not recognizing the values correctly.