Filtering [object object]

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b9558cc0>

I am creating a table that can store in each cell an object and show only one value.

My problem is that when I want to filter, I am getting an [object object].

Is there a way to customize the value it shows and the value by which it filters in the table?

I leave an example of what I am doing:

Hey @nicolasq

filters get the data that is saved in the table. It does not get data from the renderer.
To check what is given to the Filters you can call getData().

As mentioned here

Handsontable binds to your data source (list of arrays or list of objects) by reference.

Your data has more levels of nesting that’s why Handsontable does not understand it correctly.

So, is there a way to customize that to pass a value instead of all object?

I need the structure to be like this, since I need to color the cells of a specific color.

I can paint the cells in another way, verifying the cell that I need to paint by id and assign it the color, and it works for me when the data is few, but when the answer is 50 thousand rows, I have to do many “foreach” and the application performance is decreased.

You can basically pass anything via cell metadata. Here’s an example where I set up a class name, a sample array, and an object.

You set them via setCellMeta and return via getCellMeta.