Filtering with "OR" condition amongst multiple columns

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1ad67098>

Is there any plan to support Filtering with “OR” condition amongst multiple columns?

On the page you can filter with “OR” condition amongst multiple values on the same column but is this possible to do on columns as well?

something like:

hot.getPlugin(‘filters’).addFormula(1, ‘by_value’, [[‘ing’, ‘ed’, ‘as’, ‘on’]]);
hot.getPlugin(‘filters’).addFormula(2, ‘by_value’, [[‘ing’, ‘ed’, ‘as’, ‘on’]]);
hot.getPlugin(‘filters’).addFormula(2, ‘by_value’, [[‘ing’, ‘ed’, ‘as’, ‘on’]]);

Currently there’s only and between multiple columns but I guess that this is an interesting idea.
I would definitely mark this topic as a feature request.

Thanks for sharing @mkanevsky

The use case for this would be to create a global search/filter that uses the api. It would be implemented by checking if a value existed in column A OR column B OR column C, etc…
As of right now I’ve been able to create a global search/filter by hiding rows, but this doesn’t work well in conjunction with column filters.

Has this ever been attempted to be implemented?

currently we are gathering some ideas but as the major tasks for this quarter are formula support and nested rows functionality we didn’t talked about the new filtering options yet.