Filters in Nested Header Grid

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc61a6c3b8> #<Tag:0x00007efc61a6c278>

Hi Team,

We are using Angular 17 and Handsontable 14. We are trying to implement NestedHeader Grid in Handsontable along with Filter Option. But when we uncheck an item and filter it we are facing the below error from the Handsontable library. Kindly let us know if we can implement Filtering option in Nested Headers.

Error Message - Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘checked’) at sh.isChecked

Vijay V

Hi @vijayvelchamy.v

I do not see any open bug report within the error message

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘checked’)

so I created a demo where we use Handsontable 14.3.0 (@latest) and Angular 17.3.0.

When I open the column’s dropdown menu and filter out values from the Filter by value box, I get no errors in the console and can proceed with filtering.

Could you please check if that happens for you in this demo?

Hi @vijayvelchamy.v

do we have any updates here?

It is working fine. Thanks.

Great! Thank you for the update.