[FILTERS] Input Field of Input By Value doesn't work

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51c4ae77f8> #<Tag:0x00007f51c4ae76b8>

I’m trying to type inside the input field but it gets deselected automatically.
I’m using sapui5 and that happens when i open the fragment that contains this Hands On Table . I tried the focus() function, didn’t help unfortunately.

I call it through the sheetContainerDQ.
The only css that i have is only on the color.

Someone knows what could it be ?



Hi @rui.c.b.p

We have been notified that using SPACE key in Filtr by value closes the dropdown menu window. This issue is fixed on the develop branch. Could you please use these resources in your projects and let us know if it fixed on your side as well?

Thanks for the fast response, but the issue is still there , when i try to write in the input field the focus goes out so fast that the user isn’t able to write anything.

Thank you for checking. Could you please prepare a demo where the issue will be replicable? Maybe there are some elements that are stealing focus from the input field.

Hi @rui.c.b.p

do we have any updated here?