Fixed column rows misalign after 'Remove row' use

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc71a17948>

We are seeing this with CE 0.38.0 / Pro 1.18.0 - The problem is visible for each browser we tried.

With fixed columns, vertical and horizontal scrolling renders the table well.

But when the context menu is used to to remove a row. Vertical (more visible as one scrolls to the bottom of the table) and horizontal scrolling cause the rendering to show the fixed column cells misaligned with the non fixed column cells.

The problem depends on the row heights being different for different rows - which occurs with the dummy data here due to text wrapping within the cells.

Here is a basic config fiddle showing the problem:


Thank you for sharing the demo.

It looks like the table hasn’t been properly rerendered. I have added the extra rendering (360-362). Please try it now

Dziękuję Ci Alexsandra!

Adding the render on the afterScrollVertically callback was a huge improvement. But after the ‘Remove row’ the fixed columns still scroll independently from the non fixed columns until I scroll vertically with the mouse over the non fixed columns. Vertical scroll with mouse over the non fixed area I believe hits the table render you added and all the row heights get calculated correctly.

Following your hint, I added the extra render on the afterRemoveRow callback instead. That seems to force correct row height calculation regardless of where one initiates vertical scrolling.

I changed your line 360 to: afterRemoveRow(){

Thank you for the work around.

That’s great! I am very happy to hear that.