Fixed Columns, Hidden Columns and Nested Headers

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b28c44f90>

I use fixed columns in combination with the hiddenColumns-Plugin and nested headers. Here, I encountered a strange behaviour. When hiding columns, the horizontal scroll bar (or better: the total width of the table) doesn’t adjust and you can scroll beyond the end of the table.

If you comment out the fixed column part in the above example, everything works fine. Sometimes the issue even exists when the nested header is commented out, so I’m not sure to which part this contributes to the problem.

Thanks a lot for the help.

Welcome back Stephan.

It looks like the container is not being recalculated. All the columns are visible but scroll stands still.

Gathered information

  • Rerendering Handsontable does not work (with or without the delay), even when we call the AutoColumnSize plugin to calculateAllColumnsWidth.

  • touching scroll does not help

  • Selecting a cell does not work

  • opening an editor works well but sometimes it’s not enough

        }, 500)
  • Scrolling the wtHolder doesn’t help (scrollLeft)

  • using selectCell on 0, 19 is OK, but doesn’t refresh the scroll

I will investigate this case further tomorrow.


My colleague investigated the subject and it might be related to what we are currently doing for v 8.0.0 so after we push the version we can recheck this example.

It’s already an 8th revision of beta2 and the issue is still replicable. I’ve added this case to this issue

This issue was solved in v.8.4.0.