Fixed columns not working properly

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc64dc2b40>

We added the property “fixedColumnsLeft: 3” to our grid, and running into “tearing” problems with the user scrolls rapidly. See the attached screenshot. What are we doing wrong, or is there a bug somewhere?


Hi @fisher23
It definitely should not misalign the columns. I think it might have something to do with the custom headers but to be sure I would need a demo. Can you create us one?

Yes, I’ll see if we can put a demo together.

Hi @fisher23
How is your progress with Handsontable?

We are still working on it; we can’t seem to figure out exactly what elements of our code are triggering the behavior.

If you’ll came across anything please open a new issue - it would surely provide more information that this one that we already have here.