Formula support across several HOT instances

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1d31cc98>


We are evaluating the possibilities of using HandsOnTable for an Excel-migration project (Angular 7+). The only issue we seem to be facing right now, is that some of the formulas in the files, would span across multiple HoT instances, and we don’t really know what’s the best approach to acheiving this.


If the user modifies any of the required cells in Instance 1 or Instance 2, the values should update (ideally, automatically).

  • Is there any way we can achieve this?
  • Interpolating a GetDataAtCell() inside the formula?
  • Using variables?
  • Re-loading every instance’s data every time a change is applied (sounds terribly inefficient…)?
  • …?

PS: We would be using the Angular HoT wrapper, if that’s any help…

Apologies for the somewhat-abstract question, and thank you very much for the awesome work!

Welcome @jorge.s

The only way to get a value from other handsontable instance isinstance_name.getDataAtCell() here is an example of Bootstrap tabs using this logic

Thank you for the quick response, Aleksandra!

We had considered that approach, but that would basically render “useless” the cool formulas feature. We were hoping to be able to combine inside a HoT formula both instances.

I’m assuming then, that there is no “clean” way to link two hot instances inside a HandsOnTable formula, right?

Thanks again :slight_smile:

exactly, Formula plugin does not support ranges of cells outside the instance.


Thanks a lot for your support and quick replies!

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You’re welcome.

Please open a new ticket if you’d have any other questions :slight_smile: