[FORMULAS] Sum over nestedRow group in Angular

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im using Handsontable with nestedRows in Angular and in want to calculate the sum over each group. I found the following example in the documentation: Tutorial: Summary Calculation. Now I copied the example to my code and adjusted it to typescript and used the Angular Wrapper to get my hot-Instance. Now the particular code where my issue comes looks like this:

const nestedRowsPlugin = this.hotRegisterer.getInstance(this.hotId).getPlugin('nestedRows');
const getRowIndex = nestedRowsPlugin.dataManager.getRowIndex.bind(nestedRowsPlugin.dataManager);

And i get the following error:

error TS2339: Property ‘getRowIndex’ does not exist on type ‘void | DataManager’.

Can you help me with this issue?

Hey @steffen.froehlich

The summaries should be attached via columnSummary array of objects, like in the demo below
We should not use any methods outside the official API.

Hi Aleksandra,
yes you’re right, but my problem is, that i use nested rows and i want to calculate the sum over each group of children. And in the documentation i linked is an example which does what i want to do, but i don’t get it to work in my angular app. Do you have any example which shows me how i can get the data of a group of children and then use the columnSummary to display the sum of it?

Please share a demo with the latest progress. I’ll check what can be done.

I am using this example from your documentation: https://jsfiddle.net/c5w98myr/
And I want to use it exactly like that in my angular app. But instead of

var nestedRowsPlugin = this.hot.getPlugin(‘nestedRows’);

I use the AngularWrapper to get my Handsontable instance. But then in the next line

var getRowIndex = nestedRowsPlugin.dataManager.getRowIndex.bind(nestedRowsPlugin.dataManager);

The function getRowIndex throws an error saying:

error TS2339: Property ‘getRowIndex’ does not exist on type ‘void | DataManager’

Do you have any idea where this could come from?

Please check if this works for you https://jsfiddle.net/r0nep4q7/

In between I got it to work :slight_smile: It was not an issue with Handsontable, I messed up with JS scopes. Thanks for your help!

Another question if I may: I have a big table (more than 40 columns) and column summary won’t work for the whole table. Will the performance be better if I use formula?

Will the performance be better if I use formula?

I should be better if you use formula (the new formula) https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/6466
It is a work in progress and the core is ready - we just need to make it work with Handsontable.