getCell() returning null

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc6b163a50> #<Tag:0x00007efc6b163910>

I have a beforeChange function where i am validating values and changing cell background and adding an error message to title attribute if value is invalid. I am setting the title using setAttrubute() method on cell. when I add a new row at the end getCell() returning null. It works fine if I am adding a new in between.

const hot = hotRef.current.hotInstance
const cell = hot.getCell(row, hot.propToCol(prop));
but cell is returning null for text fields but working fine for number fields

Hi @charan.t

Thank you for contacting us. Please share a code demo in which the issue can be replicated. It will be easier to see what’s wrong that way.

The issue was caused by custom logic I implemented in the afterAddRow() hook… I have solved it

Hi @charan.t

Thank you for the update. I’m glad that the issue is solved, I will close this topic in that case.