getDataAtCell returns null inside beforeRemoveRow

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b2b797490>

I was having an issue in beforeRemoveRow. So when we filter a column and if the filtred column returns a single row and if I try to remove that row using contextMenu’s “remove_row”. the beforeRemoveRow will return null for the removed row values.

here is the code sandbox link.

in the console, you can see the data it displays as
id: null
name: null
address: null

please, someone, help me or correct If I’m wrong anywhere.

It shouldn’t be a Parcel issue but definitely here it works as expected.

Thank you so much for your quick reply. I had made a mistake in my code and also logic was not correct. I’ve fixed it now and also updated the code in codesandbox. :slight_smile:

Thank you :innocent:

Thank you for update. If everything’s fine now we can close the topic.

Please close the topic.
Thank you :slight_smile: