[GH #2096] Exception: cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toLowerCase')

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc6ad5c920> #<Tag:0x00007efc6ad5c768>

Our New Relic monitoring is picking up thousands of instances of this exception. Given that we haven’t gotten complaints from users, it seems it’s not a critical issue. Still, given the frequency that they occur, we would appreciate it if you added a bit of defensive code to protect against it. (I cannot tell from the traces what user action is causing the exception.)

These exceptions have been going on for at least the last 3 months. (That’s as far back as we hold the data.)

Handsontable.buildDate = “30/09/2024 12:33:19”;
Handsontable.version = “14.6.0”;


Hi @dhaber

Thank you for reporting this. I can see that we have a similar issue reported about the same error so I will add your case and update you once the fix is done. Without the knowledge about the user’s actions it’s hard to determine if that’s the same issue, so we have to wait until we fix the original issue and then confirm if that also helped with your case.

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Hi there. Any news on an update? Is there harm in adding a bit of defensive code before the call to toLowerCase()?

Hi @dhaber

The fix should be included in the next release, which we hope to finish before the end of the year. I’ll let you know once it’s released.

Sounds great. Thank you @adrian.szymanski.

Hi @dhaber

I’m happy to inform you that this issue has been fixed in the newest release of Handsontable 15.0.

Thank you very much @adrian.szymanski. Given that the breaking changes seem minor (for us), we will look to upgrade and the beginning of our next release cycle. Thanks again.


Of course, please do let me know if everything works as expected after you do the upgrade.