[GH #2269] Column group and column freeze,but title isn’t freeze

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b57f1c88> #<Tag:0x00007f51b57f1ad0>

I used nestedHeaders to set my column title, set manualColumnFreeze=true, contextMenu=[“freeze_column”,“unfreeze_column”] then I froze a column, the freeze took effect, but the title did not freeze


I freeze the column ‘s’, this column is fixed, but the title is not.


Hi @xuchnn

Currently manualColumnFreeze supports nestedHeaders only partially. As you mentioned we can freeze a column but header labels remain at their positions.

Currently label replacement for the frozen column works only for colHeaders.

I will update you as soon as the functionality is improved. However, if you need it to work now, you can also try to set up new column order within nestedHeaders in updateSettings() when the afterColumnFreeze hook executes.