[GH #3483] Can't easily select value in Cell Type "Date"/"Handsontable"

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc64823dd8> #<Tag:0x00007efc64823c70>


let’s say we have a case when the cell type “Date” or cell type “Handsontable” is the last column in table. And the table itself takes the whole width of the screen.

In that case, it’s almost impossible to select a date/value - because the editor that opens goes off the screen (horizontal scrollbar appears, but when I try to scroll, the editor closes).

Please check these 2 examples:

I also recorded a video (GIF), so it’s clear what I mean. Here it goes:

Is there any solution to this?


Hi @andraz.podobnik

Thank you for contacting us. This issue is related to this one: https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/3483

You can find some workaround there that might be also useful in your case.

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Can you give an estimation when this is planned to be fixed?
Anyway, thx for the answer.

It’s not on our roadmap yet and it will be part of a bigger project. I will let you know when we start working on it.

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Hi @andraz.podobnik

We are happy to announce that this issue has been solved in the latest release with version 14.3.0. Please, let us know if that helped.


for me it’s still not working:

Editor still opens “outside” of screen and I can easily scroll (in my example, I’d prefer though that editor wouldn’t open to the right-bottom, but to the top-left of the cell).

Hi @andraz.podobnik

Thank you for the update. I can confirm that this case is still unsolved with related issue fixed in the latest release. I will keep you updated about the original issue, and I hope soon it will be put on our roadmap.