[GH #4172] Autocomplete cells with updateSettings(height)

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1dca2588> #<Tag:0x00007f8b1dca2380>


When I update my Handsontable Height the autocompletes fields are inside Handsontable content.

I need a solution when I use updateSettings(height) my autocomplete fields stay outside Handsontable content.

I have this examples:

With updateSettings(height):

Without updateSettings(height):

I have jsfiddle.


Best Regards,


Thank you for sharing @dit

I have added the issue to our Github board https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/4172


Hi @dit

It’s best to track changes to the following issue on Github https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/4172
I think that it will be fixed with the updateSettings refactor.

@aleksandra_budnik up!

Sorry for keeping you waiting so long.

Unfortunately, I still do not know the fix date for this issue.

@aleksandra_budnik up! up!

Hi @dit

we are just planning issues for a new release. I will try to push this one as well.

@aleksandra_budnik up!

I have tested this bug yesterday with the version 0.35.1 and updated the corresponding issue on Github https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/4172 but wasn’t able to find any workaround. I guess that we have to wait for the updateSettings refactor

@aleksandra_budnik up!

Hi @dit

I highly encourage to check update on the https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/4172 issue. However, I think that we will fix it in the epic updateSettings refactor.

Hi @aleksandra_budnik!

We found a solution for this problem.

Please look at this jsfiddle:


Basicly, after autocomplete’s process datasource we change css, autocomplete’s heigh and position.

You can take a look at our code and get some ideas on how to solve this.

Best regards,


Thank you for sharing the investigation results @dit

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we appreciate if you look at our solution and resolve this asap please:)

Best regards,


I asked my colleague to take a look at the code as soon as he finishes his current task.

The issue is also gone when we get rid off the

    height: 120

It needs a further investigation on Github

@aleksandra_budnik up pls --’

Sorry, we did not make any further change to that issue or its development