I’m not sure if this will be helpful, or if you’re already aware, but think I’ve identified the issue or part of it.
Seems that the function isChildOf, when hover the cell (on the Fixed column) returns true (at it should), but when click (for selecting) returns false, of for this the isTextSelectionAllowed doesn’t return true.
isTextSelectionAllowed(el) {
if ((0, _element.isInput)(el)) {
return true;
const isChildOfTableBody = (0, _element.isChildOf)(el, this.hot.view._wt.wtTable.spreader);
if (this.settings.fragmentSelection === true && isChildOfTableBody) {
return true;
if (this.settings.fragmentSelection === 'cell' && this.isSelectedOnlyCell() && isChildOfTableBody) {
return true;
if (!this.settings.fragmentSelection && this.isCellEdited() && this.isSelectedOnlyCell()) {
return true;
return false;